السبت، 10 ديسمبر 2011

Is There a way To a Bunch Of Grapes

Is There a way To a Bunch Of Grapes

Hussein, peace be upon him, is the son of Fatimah, daughter of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him
Is the son of Ali bin Abi Talib, the brother of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, and his cousin, who was brave in war, not offset by one, so it is said, if there was a place the heads and hands flying from that place , in the battle, that mean, Ali Bin Abi Talib in that place
Ali Al-Akbar is the son of Hussein
Hussein, peace be upon him, he fought and his friends and his family, which does not exceed one hundred in number, and met them more than thirty thousand fighters, in an incident known historically as the Battle of Taff
Hussein, peace be upon him, fought for the noble values, and freedom
The story goes that (Ali Al-Akbar) peace be upon him, was the first fighter from the family of (Hussein) peace be upon him
Al-Hussein gave his son to the battle, peace be upon him, and he knows that if he go does not return,
Ali Al-Akbar" peace be upon him, has emerged to battle in three campaigns, campaigns like his grandfather Ali ibn Abi Talib
Therefore, it is in the second campaign, popularized in the camp of the enemy, that Ali ibn Abi Talib, appeared again, in order to grant victory to his son, AL-Hussein,
When he returned from the first campaign, his thirst to water very Intensified, because he did not drink the water for three days, he ask the water from al-hussein, peace be upon him, and he knows that there is no water, with (AL-Hussein).
After the second campaign, he ask water from al-Hussein, and he knows that there is no water and said to his father, (al-Hussein(
Is there a way to drink water,
What is meant by these word, why did he say these word, and he knows that there is no water, and what he wants to remind his father, al-Hussein
The story goes that (Ali Al-Akbar) disease severe disease, (Al-Hussein) came to his clinic peace be upon him.
Hussein asked "Ali Al-Akbar" if he in need of something, then replied he wanted a bunch of grapes
in this time when the disease, is not a grape maturation Season, ie, no grapes, not in the markets, nor in any place
then al-Hussein asked him again, peace be upon him, if he in need of something, and he did not answer him about his request for the bunch of grapes, because he knew there was no grapes at this time
"Ali Al-Akbar" peace be upon him, repeat his request, he need to bunch of grapes
then Al Hussein, peace be upon him asked "Ali Al-Akbar" if he wants something
"Ali Al-Akbar" peace be upon him said
Is there a way to a Bunch of grapes
Hussein went out peace be upon him, and came minutes later, a bunch of grapes in his hand, and not a time for maturation of the grapes, and there is no market, nor anywhere else.
But not difficult for him because he is the Imam who had knowledge of the book,
As the one who had knowledge of the book,
brought the throne of Bilqis to (Prophet Sulaiman) peace be upon him,
and bring it to him before thy gaze returned unto him
As though (Ali Al-Akbar) on the day of Ashura, he wanted to remind his father Hussein, that he can come with water as he came by the cluster of grapes,
so he said to Al-Hussein, peace be upon him
Is there a way to drink water,
The answer was from the Al Hussein peace be upon him
Be patient even you meet with your grandfather the Messenger of Allah,
then he Gives you water, then you dont feel thirsty then never,
And was the answer from (Ali Al-akbar), peace be upon him when he get killed in battle
That this is (my grandfather) tells you the peace, has watered me a drink of water, i do not feel thirsty after for ever.

هل الى عنقود عنبٍ من سبيل ؟

الحسين عليه السلام هو ابن فاطمة عليها السلام بنت رسول الله صلى عليه واله وسلم
هو ابن علي بن ابي طالب، اخو رسول الله، صلى الله عليه وسلم، وابن عمه، الذي كان شجاعا بالحرب، ولا يقابله احد، حتى انه يقال، اذا كان هناك مكان ‎تتطاير منه الرؤوس والايدي، في المعركة، هذا يعني، علي بن ابي طالب في ذلك المكان
علي الاكبر هو ابن الحسين
الحسين عليه السلام، حارب هو واصحابه واهل بيته، اللذين لا يتجاوز عددهم مئة، وقابل بهم اكثر من ثلاثين الف مقاتل في واقعة معروفة تاريخيا باسم معركة الطف
الحسين عليه السلام، قاتل من اجل القيم النبيلة، والحريّة
يروى ان (عليّ الاكبر) عليه السلام، هو اول مقاتل من اهل بيت (الحسين) عليه السلام
ان الحسين عليه السلام قام بتقديم ابنه علي الاكبر الى المعركة, وهو يعلم انه اذا ذهب لا يرجع,
علي الاكبر عليه السلام برز الى المعركة بثلاث حملات اشبه بحملات جده علي بن ابي طالب عليه السلام
حتى انه في الحمله الثانية شاع في معسكر العدو ان علي بن ابي طالب ظهر من جديد لنصرة ابنه الحسين لانه كان يردد انا علي انا علي.
عندما رجع عليه السلام من الحملة الاولى كان العطش قد اشتد به لانه لم يشرب الماء منذ ثلاث ايام فطلب من الحسين عليه السلام الماء و هو يعلم انه لا يوجد عند الحسين ماء.
و بعد الحملة الثانية، طلب الماء من الحسين عليه السلام، وهو يعلم انه لا يوجد ماء و قال لابيه الحسين
هل الى شربة ماء من سبيل
ماذا يقصد علي الاكبر عليه السلام بهذه العبارة و لماذا قالها و هو يعلم انه لا يوجد ماء و بماذا يريد ان يذكر اباه الحسين
يروى ان علي الاكبر عليه السلام مرض مرضا شديدا فعاده الحسين عليه السلام
سأل الحسين علي الاكبر هل انه محتاج لشئ فاجابة علي الاكبر عليه السلام انه يريد عنقود عنب
و كان الوقت الذي مرض فيه ليس فصل نضوج العنب اي لا يوجد عنب لا في الاسواق ولا في اي مكان
ثم ساله الحسين عليه السلام مرة اخرى ان كان يريد شئ و لم يجبه عن طلبه عنقود العنب لانه يعرف انه لا يوجد عنب في هذا الوقت
فكرر علي الاكبر عليه السلام طلبه عنقود العنب,
ثم سال الحسين عليه السلام علي الاكبر ان كان يريد منه شئاً
فاجابه علي الاكبر عليه السلام:
هل الى عنقود عنب من سبيل
فخرج الحسين عليه السلام منه، وجاء بعد دقائق، وفي يده عنقود عنب، ,وليس الوقت وقت نضوج العنب، ولا يوجد في الاسواق، ولا في اي مكان.
لكنه لا يصعب عليه و هو الامام الذي عنده علم من الكتاب,
اذ ان الذي عنده علم من الكتاب,
جاء بعرش بلقيس, الى النبي سليمان عليه السلام,
وجعله حاضرا عنده قبل ان يرتد اليه طرفه,
فكأن علي الاكبر في يوم عاشوراء, اراد ان يذكر الحسين, انه يستطيع ان ياتي بالماء كما جاء بعنقود العنب,
فقال للحسين عليه السلام
هل الى شربة ماء من سبيل
فاجابه الحسين عليه السلام
اصبر حتى تلقى جدك رسول الله, فيسقيك شربة ماء لا تضما بعدها ابدا,
و كان جواب علي الاكبر عليه السلام عندما سقط في المعركة
انه هذا جدي يقرئك السلام و قد سقاني شربة ماء لا اضما بعدها ابدا.

الجمعة، 5 نوفمبر 2010

Prophet Moses, peace be upon him not so arrogant with the mangy dog

Prophet Moses, peace be upon him not so arrogant on the mangy dog
God said
We appointed for Moses thirty nights, and completed (the period) with ten (more): thus was completed the term (of communion) with his Lord, forty nights.
The story goes that God inspired to Moses, if you come to me, let come with you all of you see you're better than him
When he approached the time of encounter with God, search the Prophet Moses, peace be upon him, search for someone who considers himself better than him
Did not find among those who believe with him, one sees himself as better than him
Then he discussed in those who did not believe him, did not take one of them, and said that they might believe in God will one day
Then he discussed in animals, and did not take none of them
then He decided to go alone
Then it's on the way, he found mangy dog, So he took with him
Then after he walked steps, came back, and return the mangy dog to his place
When he arrived, the Prophet Moses, peace be upon him to the place of the meeting
God the Almighty asked him about the things that he is better than it
Why did not he come up with something he better than him
Was the answer the Prophet Moses, peace be upon him, he did not find anything he better than it
said God Almighty
O Moses by my Pride and Jalali, if you Came to me with the mangy dog I omit your name from the Register of the prophets, and cut a dynasty of the prophets from your offspring
النبي موسى عليه السلام لا يتكبر حتى على الكلب الاجرب

قال الله تعالى وَوَاعَدْنَا مُوسَى ثَلاَثِينَ لَيْلَةً وَأَتْمَمْنَاهَا بِعَشْرٍ فَتَمَّ مِيقَاتُ رَبِّهِ أَرْبَعِينَ لَيْلَةً

يروى ان الله تعالى اوحى الى موسى انه عندما تاتي اليّ فلياتي معك كل من ترى انك افضل منه

عندما اقترب وقت اللقاء بحث النبي موسى عليه السلام عن احد يرى بانه افضل منه فلم يجد من بين الذين امنوا معه من يرى نفسه افضل منه

ثم انه بحث في الذين لم يؤمنوا به فلم ياخذ احد منهم و قال لعله سوف يؤمن يوما ما

ثم انه بحث في الحيوانات و لم ياخذ منها شيء ثم قرر ان يذهب وحده

ثم انه في الطريق وجد كلبا اجرب فاخذه معه

ثم انه بعد خطوات رجع وارجع الكلب الى مكانه

وعندما وصل النبي موسى عليه السلام الى مكان اللقاء

ساله الله سبحانه وتعالى عن الاشياء التي هو افضل منها ولماذا لم ياتي بشيء انه افضل منه

فكان جواب النبي موسى عليه السلام انه لم يجد شيئا انه افضل منه

فقال الله تعالى يا موسى وعزتي وجلالي لو انك اتيتني بالكلب الاجرب لمحوت اسمك من ديوان الانبياء ولقطعت سلالة الانبياء من نسلك